Kimberly Giambrone Learning Blog

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week 14 Using Games for Teaching & Learning

In Week 14, we talked about how gaming can effect learning and how learning can happen by using games. We spoke about games like Second Life. A lot of people stereotype gamers as lonely people who sit around playing games all day in their room without any real human interaction. However, when you game you can learn a lot of different skills like multi-tasking.

These are tasks that we use in everyday life. People who game can often hone in on these skills and it helps benefit them in their game playing. Of course, the stereotype I described before isn't all true. Gamers come in all sorts. The age of gamers is even showing an increase.

Gaming could be used in Advertising to set up different scenarios that we may face in the industry. It could help us learn to deal with problems in a more effective way.

Here is a screenshot from the game Second Life.

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