Kimberly Giambrone Learning Blog

Monday, March 22, 2010

Week 6 Visual Literacy

Week 6 Visual Literacy
In Week 6, we discussed the topic of Visual Literacy. It is a term used to describe how pictures can tell stories. If we break the term into two parts visual means "used in seeing" and literacy means "a person's knowledge of a particular subject or field". If we put the two together you can come up with "a knowledge of a particular subject through seeing something". It is very important in this day and age not to take things for face value. With software like Photoshop, what you see may not be what you think it is. When you talk about visual literacy, it is also important to talk about ethics.

Here is a image I created in Photoshop to voice the message of children viewing models as what they should look like when they grow up.


Advertising is constantly trying to provide a message to a consumer. They primarily do this through visual literacy. No matter the medium (television, print, mobile), the advertiser focuses on selling the customer and idea or product through a visual process.


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