Kimberly Giambrone Learning Blog

Monday, March 22, 2010

Week 9 Social Tools & Cloud Computing

In week 9, we discussed social tools and cloud computing. Social Tools are collaborative tools that allow more than one person to share information. Delicious is a social tool that allows you to bookmark your favorite web pages or web pages you find interesting and share with others. Google Docs is a great example of social tools. It is a free, Internet based word processor owned by Google. You can share word documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in real time with those you choose to share it with. Cloud Computing is best described as Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices on-demand, like a public utility (definition by Wikipedia). Cloud Computing is a great way to free up space. A lot of companies have rooms full of servers that aren't beong used to their fullest potential. With cloud computing, you can connect to the services you need and once you're done the connect frees up.

This is a video that was shown in class that does a great job in explaining cloud computing in the simplest way. I also wanted to include a few links for Delicious and Google Docs.



Google Docs would be a great way to collaborate with team mates who are working on an Advertising campaign together. When working on a campaign, a lot of research is done prior to beginning to make sure that the target audience that you are trying to reach is done in the most effective way possible. So, Delicious would also be a really good tool to use when collecting research information that you would need to share in the future.


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