Kimberly Giambrone Learning Blog

Monday, March 22, 2010

Week 7 Video Story Telling

Week 7 Video Story Telling
In week 7, we discussed Video Story Telling. We looked at different types of tools on the internet that you could use to do this. Animoto, was the one I chose to use. It was a pretty neat process. You start by choosing some pictures or video clips that all have a central theme. I chose to show a video about a trip I took to the Georgia Aquarium. I gathered some pictures I had from the trip and added a title and motion to the pictures. Animoto even allows you to add music to your videos. After I was finished, I was able to upload it to my Facebook or my blog. It is such a great way to tell a story through online media.

Create your own video slideshow at

To focus on one use of Video Story Telling in the use of Advertising, it would be a great way to show a client the progress of development in a campaign. You could upload pictures, budget information,and brainstorming ideas all that could be shown in a video for the client during a presentation.


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