Kimberly Giambrone Learning Blog

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week 12 Creating a Professional Web Presence

This week we talked about the importance of a professional web presence. This isn't the same as a social networking site. It is different because it is somewhere you could send a potential employer to learn about your professional career and achievements. If you were in an interview, this would be a great tool to use to promote yourself along side your resume. It would also show the employer of your web capabilities too.

I can think of a lot of way to how this could help in my career because as I continue learning I will have more experience. I could upload some of the projects I've worked on to my website and give employers or even clients an insight on what I am capable of.

This is a link to my Professional Web Presence. I made it using Google Sites. It was pretty easy to make because they offer templates in case you aren't familiar building a website from scratch.

Kimberly Giambrone's PWP

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