Kimberly Giambrone Learning Blog

Monday, March 22, 2010

Week 9 Social Tools & Cloud Computing

In week 9, we discussed social tools and cloud computing. Social Tools are collaborative tools that allow more than one person to share information. Delicious is a social tool that allows you to bookmark your favorite web pages or web pages you find interesting and share with others. Google Docs is a great example of social tools. It is a free, Internet based word processor owned by Google. You can share word documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in real time with those you choose to share it with. Cloud Computing is best described as Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices on-demand, like a public utility (definition by Wikipedia). Cloud Computing is a great way to free up space. A lot of companies have rooms full of servers that aren't beong used to their fullest potential. With cloud computing, you can connect to the services you need and once you're done the connect frees up.

This is a video that was shown in class that does a great job in explaining cloud computing in the simplest way. I also wanted to include a few links for Delicious and Google Docs.



Google Docs would be a great way to collaborate with team mates who are working on an Advertising campaign together. When working on a campaign, a lot of research is done prior to beginning to make sure that the target audience that you are trying to reach is done in the most effective way possible. So, Delicious would also be a really good tool to use when collecting research information that you would need to share in the future.

Week 7 Video Story Telling

Week 7 Video Story Telling
In week 7, we discussed Video Story Telling. We looked at different types of tools on the internet that you could use to do this. Animoto, was the one I chose to use. It was a pretty neat process. You start by choosing some pictures or video clips that all have a central theme. I chose to show a video about a trip I took to the Georgia Aquarium. I gathered some pictures I had from the trip and added a title and motion to the pictures. Animoto even allows you to add music to your videos. After I was finished, I was able to upload it to my Facebook or my blog. It is such a great way to tell a story through online media.

Create your own video slideshow at

To focus on one use of Video Story Telling in the use of Advertising, it would be a great way to show a client the progress of development in a campaign. You could upload pictures, budget information,and brainstorming ideas all that could be shown in a video for the client during a presentation.

Week 6 Visual Literacy

Week 6 Visual Literacy
In Week 6, we discussed the topic of Visual Literacy. It is a term used to describe how pictures can tell stories. If we break the term into two parts visual means "used in seeing" and literacy means "a person's knowledge of a particular subject or field". If we put the two together you can come up with "a knowledge of a particular subject through seeing something". It is very important in this day and age not to take things for face value. With software like Photoshop, what you see may not be what you think it is. When you talk about visual literacy, it is also important to talk about ethics.

Here is a image I created in Photoshop to voice the message of children viewing models as what they should look like when they grow up.


Advertising is constantly trying to provide a message to a consumer. They primarily do this through visual literacy. No matter the medium (television, print, mobile), the advertiser focuses on selling the customer and idea or product through a visual process.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Week 10 Concept Maps

In week 10, we discussed concept maps. They are a good way to brainstorm different ideas you have for a goal you are trying to reach or even just to organize information.

Here is a link to a concept map I created using Webspiration.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Week 8 Podcasting & Sounds (( Blogger Project Part 2 Starts Here ))

In week 8, we discussed sounds and podcasting. Podcasting is a form of audio that can bring you news, interviews, music, and much more. It is pre-recorded and then can be played back on an MP3 player or laptop. We were asked to make sounds with options on the type of program that we used. I chose to use Garage Band which is a feature of Mac computers. When using Garage Band you can choose from different genres of music like Country, Blues, Jazz, or Rock. Once you have chosen the genre you can change the types of instruments used to make a song. Then, you can change the volume and order of each instrument. It is a very fun program to use because each composition you make is uniquely your own.

This is a audio file that I made using Garage Band.


Kimberly's Sitar Song

Podcasting could be a good way to share audio advertisements with your clients. You could put together a series of audio ads that could be played back on their laptops or MP3 players making it convenient for them to listen to your ideas on the go. Sound is plays a big role in advertisement in the television or radio medium. Sounds have a big effect on how we feel about ideas or products. If there is a suspencful noise like a heartbeat, we are probably more likely to pay attention to see what happens next. Advertising agencies can use this to their advantage to keep potential consumers interested. Take "jingles" for example, most of us have had days where we just can't seem to get something out of their heads. This is exactly what advertisers aim to do. They hope by making you aware of the product you will in turn act on that.