Kimberly Giambrone Learning Blog

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week 4 - Ethics

Most people assume that the ethics in advertising are generally negative. There are many controversial topics in advertising like, the objectivity of women, sex and perpetuating stereotypes. We could probably go on for days. This particular video shows how women are "supposed" to look when really the finished product that is placed on the billboard looks nothing like the original. Before entering an industry like advertising it is very important to know which side of the line you stand on hot button issues.

Advertising can also run a fine line on copyright issues as well. Maybe the ad wants to use humor to poke fun at another company, and promote their own product in the process. The advertiser must be skilled in the laws of copyrights to make sure they are not copying or breaking any laws.

This is movie that shows how the beauty industry could affect our children. Is it ethical the way advertising could target this children? It is a question we must ask ourselves as advertisers.